Experience the new and better Yoga app - Yoga+ . An all in one fitness application for fitness geeks. Download and be blessed with the power of Yoga.
Yoga+ is beautiful, simple and delightful to use. 50+ poses ,meditation and exercises, all shown in a simple and elegant format. Search for poses by skill level, your fitness goal or by type.
This fitness app facilitates the most convenient home exercises, not only nourishes your health but also spares you all the tiresome workouts and help you achieve fitness goals with yoga+ on the go.
- 50+ Asanas
- Detail explanation(About , Procedure and Benifits).
- Video demonstrations for all poses .
- Types of Meditation(include 10 types).
- Physical Exercises (can be done at home).
- Images for every Yoga pose , Exercise.
- Personalized section MyYoga+.
- Asanas for Fat Loss/Diseases/Body Parts.
- Easy to use
We have put sincere efforts to put the best possible information, still we advise you to do all these Asanas under trained Yoga expert.
If you liked the app, then support us by leaving positive remarks as a lot of effort has been put into it. If you have any suggestion please send an email at contact@appsron.in describing the suggestion.
This app can very useful to someone, please share it on facebook, G+, twitter etc!
Privacy Policy: http://www.appsron.in/yoga/privacy.html
Terms of Service: http://www.appsron.in/yoga/terms.html
* Yoga+ is a registered trademark of Appsron Mobility. Find out even more at http://www.appsron.in
e: contact@appsron.in
f: facebook.com/Yoga+
Mengalami aplikasi Yoga baru dan lebih baik - Yoga +. Sebuah aplikasi semua dalam satu kebugaran untuk Geeks kebugaran. Download dan diberkati dengan kekuatan Yoga.
Yoga + indah, sederhana dan menyenangkan untuk digunakan. 50 + pose, meditasi dan latihan, semua ditampilkan dalam format yang sederhana dan elegan. Mencari poses oleh tingkat keterampilan, tujuan kebugaran Anda atau jenis.
Aplikasi kebugaran ini memfasilitasi latihan rumah yang paling nyaman, tidak hanya memelihara kesehatan Anda, tetapi juga suku cadang Anda semua latihan melelahkan dan membantu Anda mencapai tujuan kebugaran dengan yoga + di mana saja.
- 50 + Asana
- Detil penjelasan (Tentang, Prosedur dan Manfaat).
- Demonstrasi Video untuk semua pose.
- Jenis Meditasi (termasuk 10 jenis).
- Latihan Fisik (bisa dilakukan di rumah).
- Gambar untuk setiap Yoga pose, Latihan.
- Personalized bagian MyYoga +.
- Asana untuk Fat Loss / Penyakit / Body Parts.
- Mudah digunakan
Kami telah menempatkan upaya tulus untuk menempatkan informasi yang terbaik, masih kami menyarankan Anda untuk melakukan semua Asana ini di bawah ahli Yoga dilatih.
Jika Anda menyukai aplikasi, kemudian mendukung kami dengan meninggalkan komentar positif banyak upaya telah dimasukkan ke dalamnya. Jika Anda memiliki saran silahkan kirim email di contact@appsron.in~~V menggambarkan saran.
Aplikasi ini dapat sangat berguna bagi seseorang, silakan berbagi di facebook, G +, twitter dll!
Kebijakan Privasi: http://www.appsron.in/yoga/privacy.html
Persyaratan Layanan: http://www.appsron.in/yoga/terms.html
* Yoga + adalah merek dagang terdaftar dari Appsron Mobility. Cari tahu lebih di http://www.appsron.in
e: contact@appsron.in
f: facebook.com/Yoga+
Experience the new and better Yoga app - Yoga+ . An all in one fitness application for fitness geeks. Download and be blessed with the power of Yoga.
Yoga+ is beautiful, simple and delightful to use. 50+ poses ,meditation and exercises, all shown in a simple and elegant format. Search for poses by skill level, your fitness goal or by type.
This fitness app facilitates the most convenient home exercises, not only nourishes your health but also spares you all the tiresome workouts and help you achieve fitness goals with yoga+ on the go.
- 50+ Asanas
- Detail explanation(About , Procedure and Benifits).
- Video demonstrations for all poses .
- Types of Meditation(include 10 types).
- Physical Exercises (can be done at home).
- Images for every Yoga pose , Exercise.
- Personalized section MyYoga+.
- Asanas for Fat Loss/Diseases/Body Parts.
- Easy to use
We have put sincere efforts to put the best possible information, still we advise you to do all these Asanas under trained Yoga expert.
If you liked the app, then support us by leaving positive remarks as a lot of effort has been put into it. If you have any suggestion please send an email at contact@appsron.in describing the suggestion.
This app can very useful to someone, please share it on facebook, G+, twitter etc!
Privacy Policy: http://www.appsron.in/yoga/privacy.html
Terms of Service: http://www.appsron.in/yoga/terms.html
* Yoga+ is a registered trademark of Appsron Mobility. Find out even more at http://www.appsron.in
e: contact@appsron.in
f: facebook.com/Yoga+